jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Isaac Marion escribe un segundo libro para Warm Bodies

SI! SI! SI!, que emoción.

Ame ese libro, R y Jullie son de mis parejas preferidas y ¡están de vuelta!

Aquí les dejo las palabras que el autor comento en su perfil de Goodreads.

"I'm about a third of the way through writing it and hope to finish by the end of 2014. I'm not ready to say much about the story yet, but a few comments to dispel a few notions:

The plague is not "cured" and R is not fully human yet. The transition will be difficult, the world is still unexplored and full of nightmares, and R has a much larger role to play than just getting his own heart to beat.

R and Julie's relationship is not going to be easy, for obvious reasons and also much less obvious ones. They both have very dark pasts, and R's is coming back for him.

The Boneys might be in remission, but they were just angry skeletons. The real threat is the force that fueled them, and what happens when it gets smart."

Me encanta! Todos los que leímos el libro siempre nos quedamos con la duda del nombre completo de R, o de alguna pista de su pasado y aquí viene. Estoy segura de que nos desesperaremos, lloraremos y nos vamos a sorprender en más coacciones de las que ahora nos imaginamos.

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